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The service having id "facebook_widget" is missing, reactivate its module or save again the list of services.

Am I number one?


Fellow bloggers, Matthew Eaves and Pete Bradshaw are a little surprised that after Google has crawled their blogs, that they appear number one in the Google listings!

So how hard is it to get the number one spot? Well, that depends on several factors, from the 'search string', e.g. ultralab cheese to keywords used in your pages and how many links people have made to your pages.

There aren't very many Pete Bradshaw's around, nor many Matthew Eaves' though there is another Matt Eaves on the net! Likewise, not many Jonathan Furness' either.

I'd be really impressed if they made it to number one as 'matthew's blog' or 'pete's blog' - not such an easy feat. Getting Tom Smith to the number two spot is pretty staggering, and slightly bewildering - just what would it take to take the number one spot?

I'm going after Jonathan's Blog for the top spot, I'm currently number four, with my old blog taking the third place. My old blog has been running for some years now, plus it has a few significant sites pointing to it. Maybe if i let them know of my new blog, it might make a difference - I don't really want to kill it off.

URL's help a little too, having as the web address should count for something.


I wanted to know if you would do a link exchange with us. We do a FREE SPEECH, one-hour daily talk radio show on our website (, and we are looking to obtain more listeners. As of now we receive around 11,000 daily visits to our site. We can give your website an on-air plug, as well as a link on our links page.

Let me know. You can check out our site at


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