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Pirate BBC Essex Radio Station

ULTRALAB and BBC Essex Radio are working together to celebrate 40 years of pirate radio of the Essex shores, to bring you the BBC Essex Pirate Radio Station. The station goes live in April, broadcasting on medium wave frequencies from LV Eighteen - a former lightship owned by the charity Pharos Trust.

The plan is to transmit a wireless signal from Ha'penny Pier in Harwich to the lightship using wireless base station transmitters. This will allow the radio presenters to receive SMS text messages and emails on board LV Eighteen. We also intend to run two webcams, one streaming pictures of the ship from the pier, the other streaming images of the presenters on board to an Internet website.

There is a sizeable crew already formed, including BBC Essex Radio presenters, Steve Scruton, Ian Wyatt, Tom Warmington, and from ULTRALAB....Matthew Eaves, Jonathan Furness, Alex Blanc and Tim Ellis.


Should really find the time to goto Harwich Jonathan!

In fact, up until last week, I'd never been to Harwich. I know that coast quite well, have friends who live in Brightlingsea and Grandparents who live in Clacton-on-Sea.

My reason was to venture out on the Lightship, LV Eighteen. It was a fantastic experience - can't wait until the radio station goes live in April.

I think the radio station in this area is a breath of fresh air after listening to dream and town fm.

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