Error message

  • Warning: "continue" targeting switch is equivalent to "break". Did you mean to use "continue 2"? in include_once() (line 1389 of /Library/Server/Web/Data/Sites/Documents/jonathansblog/includes/
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Warning message

The service having id "facebook_widget" is missing, reactivate its module or save again the list of services.

Blogs: a purposeful activity?


Having read Stephen Powell's blog entry called Blogging for learning, I began thinking again about why I find it a useful activity.

Here are some of my reasons why:

  1. a chance to reflect on what I've done or been thinking about
  2. share my work or sound out my ideas (if they are a bit too wacky, people usually say so!)
  3. establish short-term dialogues with others, sometimes like-minded people
  4. build relationships
  5. create a portfolio about me including what I do, what interests me

I'm sure there are other reasons to blog.


Jonathan thankyou and Richard for the enjoyable time today with the live broadcast stuff. I hope you have a great stay and look foward to the rest of the conference. I have started a blog check it out at
The navcon site under Michael Clemens

My blog began as a way of trying to be more open about what I do in my job-for my colleagues (especially the remote ones) and students. When I was off sick so long it became a way to communicate with my friends back in England, and now I'm here, my people in NZ-so I suppose a main reason has been keeping in touch with those far away, professionally and personally-I love the feeling of contact and togetherness blogs can bring.

Well, here are my two cents :)

We all learn so much every day and from I have heard, we forget about 80% of what we learn. Well, blogging helps me with that =D. I am new to the blogging scene but I am trying to blog about every problem that I face, before and after coming up with a solution. This way I am also creating a reference for later.

Also, it makes you think about what you have done, and, the more you think, the higher the probability of you remembering that topic later.

Plus its a good way of giving back to the community because most of the times if you are facing a problem then there is a big chances that someone else will also be in the same situation, so why not save them the trouble? :)



Thanks, Fahran... a few extra to add to my list. You're absolutely right, some of my blog entries act as a store of ideas, solutions, concepts.

I also quite like using my blog to index content by category.... learning, or technology or whatever is in my taxonomy.

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