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A Kiwi Jingle Bells - a New Zealand version to the traditional Christmas song


A good friend, Ali Hughes in New Zealand, sent the kids at Stepping Stones the alternative version to Jingle Bells. This is the Kiwi version, the lyrics of which reflects celebrating Christmas in the summer months.

"Oh, jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way
Christmas in New Zealand on a sunny summer's day, ah!
Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way
Oh what fun it is to have a Kiwi holiday!

This fantastic book is accompanied by a music CD with instrumental, spoken and sing-a-long tracks.

Listen to a short extract from the CD (Apple QuickTime, 600kb).

Buy online.


You might like this :Aussie Jingle Bells



Hello John,

Great to hear from you... many thanks for posting the link to the Aussie version of Jingle Bells. Makes you wonder just how many different versions of Jingle Bells there are in the world in a variety of languages too.

Seems to be one of those songs which translates well in a variety of cultures, with some adaptations of course!

Wishing you and your family a very Happy Christmas and New Year


Hi Jonathan,

I am a teacher in scotland and we are having a themed christmas from around the world. Would it be possible for you post the full lyrics of the "Kiwi Jingle Bells" somewhere on your site or email them to me? As the book is not available up over. If you can reply to this post I can arrange to get my email address to you.

Many Thanks,


Hello Laura,

Thanks for your post. A Kiwi Jingle Bells is a fantastic book, which I have now bought for my 3 year old nephew. I first knew about the book after it was kindly sent to my school by a good friend in NZ. Last year, we hosted an online advent calendar, which I think stimulated the thoughts of those in NZ that our calendar should perhaps reflect weather conditions and the Summer season over there.

If you email me, using the email address at the top of this blog site, I can then respond to you. :-)

I'd love to know what activities you have planned for your pupils in Scotland. Would they like to contribute towards our advent calendar for this year?

I want the kiwi jingle bells because i like that song it's a good song and we sing that at school and it's only for kiwi but kiwi shares it to us merry x-mas and a happy new year bye bye.

Dear shania,

i love the kiwi jingle bells

we are learning this at school and we are preforming it as a show

i think kiwi jingle bells is fun to sing!

I sang Kiwi jingle bells on school's christ mas day when I was styudying in Auckland. I still remember it. Very fun.

im singing that in my classroom everyday because we are practising for a production it is very fun to sing

I have the book at home + CD! I got it for Christmas last year :) My teacher liked it and read it out to the class

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