Error message

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Warning message

The service having id "facebook_widget" is missing, reactivate its module or save again the list of services.

Ford Engine Screensaver - Download Flash movie showing the animated 3D construction of a motor engine


In response to lots of interest in the Ford Engine screensaver, I have placed the Flash version on this site. Download (11.2MB) - (ctrl click to save file to desktop) The animation shows a 3D DOHC 4 cylinder engine being constructed from a bare casting and shows the various components being bolted onto the engine block. When the assembly is complete, the engine begins to run, showing an individual cylinder running through all 4 strokes. 3rd Billericay Scouts recently completed the Mechanics badge, where we used this animation to teach our youngsters about how an engine works and the components found inside.

The only reason for making the Ford Engine screensaver available here, is that it doesn't seem to exist any more at the original site.

Please keep this service running.

Due to the enormous interest in downloading this screensaver from this site and the large amount of traffic coming to my server host, I would really appreciate a donation towards the hosting costs of this service. Many thanks for your understanding.


** Download software list UPDATED 22nd July 2009 **


Downloadable options:


Mobile Phone version

Please support this screensaver development.



** UPDATE 31st October 2007 **


There is another animated construction of an engine, this time a diesel engine made by Perkins which can be downloaded from this website. Download the Perkins 3D diesel engine animation.




'ello Sarbaz,

I see you have posted your email address. What are you hoping for?

my self qartain ahmrd. i seen ur engine screen saver but i couldnot download it on my note book just tall me how can i fit that screen saver on my desktop please reply me on if it's posible i'll realy thankfull to u. i m waiting for your reply jonathan

it doesnt work how do i make it work

Great stuff this screensaver, I've seen it on board Grand Princess during Italian drydock in Palermo.


How I make it works?

Which version do you have?

You can open the Flash version in a standard browser window that has the Macromedia Flash plugin installed.

The Windows screensaver only works on a Windows PC machine. Double click the .exe file to install the software. Then, in the Control Panel, select the Deutz Screensaver from the list of screensavers available.

Deutz Engine

I tried to install your screensaver but It didn´t work, Could You, please help me because when I tried to open it, in my computer a message asking me to rebuilding my screensaver appeared, Why Did it happen???
Thank you a lot and congratulations for your beautiful job.

i had the same problem??
about rebuilding

nice stuff

Amazing screensaver, I am very happy to see it, I have downloaded it and it is nicely working and every one in my home are very happy to see the animation.

Thanks you


It is really an amazing screen saver but unfortunately I could not download it as the speed of downloading is very slow.

May I request you to send me by e-mail


Glad you liked the screensaver. Unfortunately, if I were to send it to you (11MB!!) you'd have the same problem with downloading it to your computer. Click download, and just let it come gradually is my best advice.

Email servers will struggle with files of that size I believe.


this is nice screen saver my teacher was showing in class so seach in google i find it it is very nice thanks.

I've been looking for this for a long time, thanks for posting it here.
long download times? ditch your dialup, get cable or something,

same problem with jussara

Excellent screensaver - Thanks for having it on your blog site - I have emailed a lot of friends who I am sure will download it.

Like Jussara, i tried to install your screensaver too, but It didn´t work. Could You, please help me because when I tried to open it, in my computer appears this message "rebuilding your after purchasing the product will remove this message", Why Did it happen? what can i do?
Thanks a lot and congratulations for your wonderful job.

I tried to install DEUTZ ENGINE screensaver ON WINDOWS VISTA, but It didn´t work. Could You, please help me because when I tried to open it, in my computer appears this message "rebuilding your after purchasing the product will remove this message", Why Did it happen? what can i do?

I tried to install DEUTZ ENGINE screensaver ON WINDOWS VISTA, but It didn´t work. Could You, please help me because when I tried to open it, in my computer appears this message "rebuilding your screensaver after purchasing the product will remove this message", Why Did it happen? what can i do?

necesito informacion

Hi Jonathan,
I have a different problem about installing software. I open the rar file there is a exe file but not for installing only for making controls is it right? Could you write a complete installing guide. Thanks

Merhaba meriç ben de bu gün indirdim. Ancak bende de setup dosyası yok. exe dosyası var.O da sadece ayar yaptırıyor. Ekran koruyucularda göremiyorum ve de çalışmıyor. Sen eger problemi çözdüysen bana yardımcı olurmusun?. saygılar



For the ones with the problem with the trial version....
Don't extract the files to your Desktop, extract the files to a folder on c:\
If you do it that way it should work.

hope it helps...

Extract everything to the c:\windows folder (or where ever your .scr files live on your pc) and select it from screen properties. works fine. Bit of a dispute over the engine type though... :-)


Many many thanks for your input. Much appreciated. I think I've only ever installed the screensaver once or twice on a Windows machine - so I was in the dark a little myself.

Your advice seems very sensible. I'll try to post exactly what you suggest, somewhere more prominent so fewer people query the installation procedure.

Yep... looks like it's not a Deutz engine after all...! :-)

hola aun lo estoy descargando... 3...2...1... descargando espero que sea genuino por que si no solo va a ser mi tiempo perdido...

Amazing, thanks for posting it!!

désolé mais je ne parle pas anglais ou tres peu!Je vous permet de vous contacter car j'ai un probleme avec votre ecran de veille qui est fantastique.J'ai windows Xp et je n'arive pas a l'installer!Je l'ai mis dans system32 , ca ne marche pas non plus!
Please help me, Repondez moi a l'adresse suivante:
Thank you

saddened but me do not speak English or little! I allows you to contact because I have a problem with your screen saver which is fantastic. I have Windows Xp and I arive not no has to install(settle) him(it)! I put him(it) in system32, ca do not walk(work) either!
Please help me, Re-lay I has the following address:
Thank you beforehand

Hello Nicolas

Great English I thought - well done :-)

Other people on this site have suggested putting the screensaver files in the /windows directory. Might that work?


A great FUN.Thx Jonathan :)

I have saw this screensaver in kazakhstan. I came back my country (Turkiye). I will download and use. thanks...

Like Jussara, i tried to install your screensaver too, but It didn´t work. Could You, please help me because when I tried to open it, in my computer appears this message "rebuilding your after purchasing the product will remove this message", Why Did it happen? what can i do?

i have this same problem even when i place it in the c drive system32 folder

Hey Jonathon, a friend of mine got this, and i really liked it and downloaded it myself. However, the version here cann't compare with my friend's quality wise. Do you know of where I can get a copy that is of higher quality?

I have the original. To avoid spam... only check every week or so though.

Hello Ben,

Which version are you looking at? The Flash version isn't a very high quality version, yet the screensaver is pretty good to be honest. Let me know if you manage to track down a higher quality version.



I downloaded the 50 mb one, when its enlarged to fill the screen it is really pixelated


ah ok. What resolution are you running? I'm not sure I can help too much - seems to look ok on my monitor, though agree, not very high quality.

Hey ,Fantastic i was watching it at the nursing home when i was installing a dishwasher

just copy all files to C:\WINDOWS
then open the ScreenSaver option of windows,
right click on the desktop > proprities > screensaver
select on the list Deutz Engine

hope it helps anyone with problem

the best screensaver ever

Can you teach me how use store this screen saver & running in my computer?

Novid, try this....

Unzip all the 6 files in
Deutz Engine.001
Deutz Engine.002
Deutz Engine.exe Run This one !!!!!!!
Deutz Engine.scr
Deutz Engine.ssp
After that go to start / Control Panel / Display / Screen Saver / Deutz Engine / Wait 10 min / Apply / OK

Jonathan's is eduardo lopez of medellin colombia and I am technical in mechanics and I like a lot your scrinsaver that you have the descarge but he/she doesn't leave it to me to install and he/she tells me that nesesito to buy it so that it works me I want to know that to make thank you

Jonathan I have been trying to figure out how to down load the Deutz Engine Screensaver for my shop class. I thought this would be a good way to illastrate on how a engine works. Can you please help me. Please send down load to my E-Mail @ Thank you for your time & efferts.

Rick Freeman.......

Hi Jonathan, different problem i run vista os and keeps coming up with extension .001 problem any help appreciated as i'm an automotive student and love this screen saver.

Hello Dave,

Thanks for posting.

I haven't tested the above screensaver on Windows Vista so not aware if it is supported on that platform at all at the moment. As a Macintosh user, running Vista is something I'm unlikely to be doing anytime soon - so would welcome other people's input here to help Dave out.

It's a brilliant animation, suits your interest perfectly!

Hope someone helps resolve this for you,


FANTASTIC Thanx Jonathan
Where can I find something similar


I've been looking for alternative models, my friend, Tom, found this one of a Toyota, Variable Valve Timing engine.

I've found another alternative model of a GM 8 cylinder engine @

need scr which works on vista! neeeeeeed!!!

well i have seen it before and i have asked many of my friend who it on there W/S but Unfortunately all of them said that there IT department has the CD and they can’t get it and I was looking for it for a while now since I am in automotive industry too I wanted to have it on my W/S too. Thnx for having it here.



thank you

hi every body see u

muy bueno en protector de pantalla

hola, no he podido instañar el protector de pantalla... me puede explicar como lo hago???

Muito obrigado...Thank you!

thank u


The problem the appearing message "your after purchasing the product will remove this message" is because you have to copy all the decompressed files to system32 directory, not just the executable.

very nice indeed..thank you!

uzun zamandır aradığım screensaver i buldum..

thanks Good one it helps alot as we are sole agent for Deutz engine.

Hi. Such a nice screensaver. I got it from a computer in heavy equipment workshop in my factory. Now I have it in my computer also.
Double Tombs for U!!

An amazing work perform by the creators of this screen saver, great Job team.


excelente, gracias por publicar estos temas

thanks alot it's really tooooooooooooooooo great

but I hanve a quistion by which programe you made it?

please answer me or send me the name of the program @

and please send me the answer as fast as possible.

Thanks Again


It's a very educative software to learn the engine functionality, even for older people.
The way it works from inside. GREAT IDEA!!!
Do you know if there is a turbofan engine screensaver similar to this?

Sei un are the best

Thxx man, this is nice!!! :P

you should place the files in c:\windows\system32
close all programs down or minimize them,
then right click on desktop
select properties
goto screen saver tab
select deutz
preview and it should show
hope this helps

I want you for Deutz Engine windows media player type playing




Alguem pode responder em portugues como instalar este protetor de tela ,pois aparece a mensagem "TRIAL USER REBUILDING YOUR SCREENSAVER AFTER PURCHASING THE PRODUCT WILL REMOVE THIS MESSAGE "

Grato amigos !!!!!



Espectacular salvapantalla.

works great on XP, but not on Vista. thanks for hosting it for us!

if any of you find same stuff in other websites pls mail me the site to

Thanks for the cool screen saver jonathan.

I have downloaded the file but i could not run the program. please advise.

me gusta mucho, muy bueno

Güzel bir ekran koruyucu ben Motor Teknikeriyim kendi bilgisayarımda 2 yıldır kullanıyorum.Sorun çıkarmadı ancak motor toplanırken tanlış toplama sırası var ....Yine de harika bişi

Yo tenia el mismo problema con el mensajito... "rebuilding your after purchasing the product will remove this message" solo hay que arrastrar todo el contenido comprimido uno por uno hacia la carpeta system32 que se encuentra dentro de la carpeta windows y listo

Gracias, estaba como loco tratando de hacerlo funcionar. Su intrucciones de mover los archivos comprimidos al system32 lo hicieron fucionar.

hi bro nice screen saver but i have a porblem with the instalation it doesnt work i dont know why, please help to resolve the problem thanks.
i´ve been along time tryng to find them it is excelent screen saver

Hello ...............
Unzip all the 6 files in
Deutz Engine.001
Deutz Engine.002
Deutz Engine.exe Run This one !!!!!!!
Deutz Engine.scr
Deutz Engine.ssp

After that go to start / Control Panel / Display / Screen Saver / Deutz Engine / Wait 10 min / Apply / OK

Or the best thing to do is to Download the Free program called
vdownloader.exe version 5.00

This small free program will allow to download YouTube file into .AVI format

Insert this address:

Change the name to Video_motor_tecnologia
The final file will be called:
27.9 MB

I really liked this screen saver as an engineer


I liked a lot!!! fantastic, the pieces, the four times, the admission of fuel,
the escape of the gases generated in the combustion. Really fantastic


thanks for this amazing screen saver

Es un excelente programa. Muchas gracias desde méxico



I appreciate ur work jonathan.....well m a mechanical engineer n I've been searching for this for a long time....can u plz email it to my id


bom de mais nunca coisa tam perfeita

Nice :D!. I never thought that i would be able to find this , at all!, ever!.

I first saw it on the PC screen of a sales terminal pc at REPCO and automotive parts store here in nz, and i thought to myself, bugger i will never find that because its part of the terminal p.o.s software!

oh how wrong i were :D

Thank you sooo very much :)

And you can host files for free around the place Jonathon.

Hello Richard,

Many thanks for your comment, I'll check out the free site hosting places.

I have a mobile phone version which I will post soon if you are interested?


Very very very nice screensaver!
I'll never get tired of this one!

Greetings from Belgium.


I try to install for windows Vista but I didn't succeed if any one knows what is the problem please help me.
Thinks for your attention

I am using XP SP 2, and can either get the trial error, or it seems to work, but then I just get a blank screen

any ideas?

Very very very nice screensaver!
I'll never get tired of this one!

Greetings from Delhi.



Mine is a Windows Vista OS. The screen saver after downloading is not appearng in the screen saver list. What is the reason.

cool screen saver could you make the downloding faster

Great job... Hope you keep showing things like this...


como faezm isso?

thanx man...

copy 6 files to Windows, System32, it is all and run screensaver a select deutch screensaver, simply

hey man whats wrong with you
are you perfect
thank for screensaver
good job

The screensaver is beautiful, but since I use Windows Vista I have no chance to use it. Can anybody help me to run it with Vista?

the dogs this screensaver rocks man

Hello Jonathan

I have just recently downloaded the screen saver and it works beutifully. Is this screensaver available for smart phones.

this screen saver is very beutifll.

it's great job !!!
goodluck Jonathan, it's also great idea to visualize how the engine assembly
and then the engine's working so everybody have new knowhow.

future, i hope you will try for other engine, like turbine engine or rotary engine
but i think piston engine is more realize

thank you Joe, GBU

Hii Joe,
i have the problem about this screensaver on win vista 64 bit edition
would you please to help and how to solve the the problem

for your information, the screensaver (deutz) appear on the list of screensaver

thank you

is very good

Hello Yoseph,

Watch this space, a Vista compatible version should be available soon!


thanks Jonathan


show de bola

Hello Jonathan,
I've been met the other engine scrsaver almost the same with yours at this address
The file sizes amount 29.5 MB zip.
Thank you.


Hello Yoseph,

Thanks for the heads up on the other screensaver - it's fantastic. :-) I am currently constructing the screensaver which should be compatible with Windows Vista as I type!

I even gave you a mention in my most recent blog article :-)

kind regards


When do you think you will Complete the Vista compatable version of the DOHC 4 Cyl. screensaver? Please reply to my hotmail, yes, put the www. in. that's my fault. Cheers

hello Jonathan,

For your information only. If you need to know 16 cylinders on the big diesel engine, V-type arrangement engine block, and purposes as the prime mover of above 3.000 Mega Watts of electric generating set, you can evaluate on this address below:
Hopely that would usefulness for all Jonathan's blog readers/ visitors, thank you

Best Regards,

Hi Jonathan thank you for this one. Very nice stuff but it wont work for vista.I know your working for it by now. I cant wait for it. Anyways Perkins work fine on me. Thanks again.

Best regards,
marine engineer

Hello Antonio,

Thanks for your comment on this blog. You'll be delighted to know that I've just finished developing the Windows Vista version of the screensaver which you can download today.

Download the Deutz Engine Screensaver for Windows Vista.



It's best way to know how the engine works. thanks for show the way that knowledge is not only in black&white text.

if any of you find same stuff in other websites pls mail me at

Just tried to install urs Windows Vista PC Deutz Engine Screensaver Installer, and it wont work. I just got white screen , pressing right mouse button opens menu setings, but i couldnt run it ? could u tell me how to make it run ? thanx

i saw ur screensaver and realy that was gorgeous, but frankly fst i was unable to install it on my desktop. but suceed it.


Hey, great thing that u still share this legendary scr saver ;) thnx
But i have the same problem as "Don" get a white screen when i open it. get the menu and all that but it wount run :/ Have tryed to copy it into c:\windows and c:\windows\system32

And it wound show in the scr. saver menu :( u know anything I can do about this?

Thnx anyway:)
I run Vista Home Premium

All than I can say is wowwwwwwwwwwww!!! all my admiration. Thanks a lot

I have vista so I have download the vista version but it doesnt work. when i click on the file i have a white full screen, that's all, when i click on it i can change some parameters (window screensaver setting) but i didnt't find how the screensaver works
that's a shame it's a very good screensaver

Hi, nice screensaver. Here is some information about the maker of that screensaver: Mr. Pan Bin was in Cologne / Germany (this is where DEUTZ AG is located) on a training programm. Mr. Pan Bin is working for FAW Dalian Diesel. His company bought a few years ago the license to build DEUTZ-eingines in Dalian / China. He is one of the planers. Meanwhile it became a joint-venture, called DEUTZ DALIAN ENGINE Ltd., owned by DEUTZ AG, Cologne an FAW Dalian Diesesl 50% each.
The showed engine is not a DEUTZ-engine because we are not building gas engine, but diesel engines.
William Munny


thank you very very very much

For Vista Users ........
Just format Win Vista and Reinstall Win XP SP2
Then install this screensaver.

Its amazing side


I saw this stuff accidentally on a laptop, so finally found the dowload link :)

The bad is that It does not run on my PC, I have Vista and dowloaded the Vista Ver. and the only thing that I get is a White screen, that pressin the left mouse button opens the configuration menu.

I tried all the suggestion above exept formatting my Pc and put XP :)

If anyone coul help I would appreciate.


Just format Win Vista and Reinstall Win XP SP2_Professional Edition
Then install this screensaver.

ha ha ha, very funny

I downloaded this software, but cant save it as screensaver, can somebody help. I am using windows vista.


it is not working on windows vista 32bits.

sir please i want to download deutz engine
while downloading from your site 10 % only downloading remain not at downloading please help in this regard how to download this screen saver

my pc have xp

hi.when i try to install the screensaver in a Vista laptop the screen goes white and stays there.The Perkins screensaver on the other hand works without problems.Thanks anyway for this great screensaver

I've been looking for this for a long time, thanks for posting it here.
long download times? ditch your dialup, get cable or something,

thank for your animation , Please button for stage control while explain for trainees , our IWT of Myanmar user .

Hey, that isn't a Deutz engine. if you search you tube and find the full video, it is a Ford Duratec I4 engine. Not Deutz. It isn't even a diesel (spark plugs).

ı want do download this screensaver.Thanks

ı want do download this screensaver.Thanks



Could someone please tell everybody how to fix the white screen problem. I'm not the only one facing this problem and i'm not going to run XP just to install a screensaver!


buenos dias.

tengo una pregunta para ti.

¿como se debe instalar en windows vista?

y si ya se instalo y fallo.

¿como le hago para que funcione?

its amazing

17, mohan complex kadodra charasta, kadodra, surat, gujarat, india

como hago pa descargar el video del motor en version flash .. le doy click y no me sale ninguna opcion de descarga solo comienza a reproducirse el video .. .:S:S:S

do u guys understand a language called english

can u find brake lining system screen saver.


You have some
eletrodoméstico or other device being mounted?
Victor of Brazil
email @

Deutz Engine Screensaver is very good!

cool :D

My teacher showed me this and i wanted it:)
great stuff
thank you :)

Downloaded the same but it is not working

nice movie!

jonatan puto, tirame la goma pedazo de basura, tu screensaver es una reverenda mierda encima es re-viejo la recalcada concha de tu hermana!!!!

Me love this and i want to tell about it to my frnds.
thanks once again.

hi jon you r doing realy good work man i like it very much i instaled this saver before 1 year ago in my xp its working i download for vista its not working i just got white screen do u have some solution plz send me on ma id or here my id is

I am having the same white screen with vista.. Hope this will be fixed. I love it on my other PC (XP).

Great work Jonathan!
Thank you very much.

Do you know any similar animations on the web?

Hi Jonathan,
It would appear that I am not the only person having trouble getting the Deutz screen saver to work. I just get a 'white' screen. I am using Windows Vista & the 'full screen' Vista version.
Perhaps you could,when you get a spare moment,publicise some hints to assist all the people experiencing similar problems,
Thank you,

How I make it works full screen version?


Nice piece of work , aummm !!! kinda slow and resource consuming .. but generally it is way too cool

when i open the screen saver in vista it only shows a white screen,any help?

how do we fix the white screen?

i really liked it. my father and i live in the brazil, and he asked me once if i can find some animation about engine. so, i found you. that's excellent. my father loved it.
I reccomend.

*Sorry my english ^^

when i open the screen saver in vista it only shows a white screen,any help please?

There isn t some version compatible with VITSA

Here you can download a vista version of Deutz Engine Screensaver i made.It works i test it!

No puedo instalar este screensaver en windows vista!!!! que pasa??? por que no lo ha arreglado????

when i open the screen saver in vista it only shows a white screen,any help please?

MAMIAS! do you have the full screen installer???

this is the best and nice screen server but its too heavy and load this from internrt need much time nima from usa

best ever

very good

joe, nice staff, but i couldnt download. can u send to me via email ?



very nice thank you!

Hello Jonathan,
Thank you for the engine download on this page. And thanks for the link to the diesel engine screensaver.

I have a question about the engine screensaver on this page though. While I have been able to get the Diesel engine screensaver to install -- the regular engine screensaver does not install when you click on the Deutz.exe file. It asks you if you want to run the program, and when you say "Run", it brings up the Deutz Engine Properties, and even after you change settings, nothing happens.
When I downloaded the zip file, I put it on my desktop, and extracted the files to a folder on the desktop.
I imagine that there is a specific location to place all the files from the folder -- but I don't know where.

(When I used the Diesel screensaver, it automatically installs and I can select it from the screensaver section. The regular engine screensaver doesn't seem to do that, and there isn't a way to browse for it)

I'm using XP Home edition if that helps.

Any info/ suggestions are appreciated.


How do you actually download it!!!!!!!!!?????

very good

i will just say, MINDBLOWING, wt a job , superb buddy, keep it up

Does not work on Windows 7.
Either I get a message, that this is the trial version or I get a blank screen.



I want to download this screensaver

jonathan it seems that your screen saver does no download on my laptop its not my laptop because ive just bought it and it cost £1000 so what do i do my mate downloaded it anyway please write back from dan

If you all would like to see a real Diesel engine with High Quality check the following link:



Henk Poort

do you have a new version?

valeu cara fazia tempo que eu estava procurando esse video,parabens pelo blog.

My english is nt so good.
I have a question in my mind.
The question is
Can a A.C generator directly joined with a battery for its charging and at the same time a D.C motor attached with the battery for its working?
I'll be thanksfull to you if u mail me on

Ho installato su Windows 7 ma non funziona.
Durante la Fase di INSTALLAZIONE del file. Exe Vieni informato Che non si puo Essere Creato Untlitled.scr Il file in system32
Hai qualche Soluzione

Hey Jonathan, is it possible to run the screensaver on Windows 7? The Perkins engine works fine on Windows 7 but not this engine screensaver. I hope there will be a solution, this screensaver is great. My professor use it all the time during break between the lessons, he use XP. Greetz Thorsten (mueller_th_de(at)

dude. your duetz for vista doesnt work. it has an error/bug. please fix.

i love power engine

Very nice work, and it worked like charm ;)(windows 7 64 bit) but the resolution is not high enough to see that much of details especially when displayed on wide screens and projectors, and the movie speed also need to be reduced to give the viewers the chance to see this creative work clearly :)

well done :)

how did u make it work on windows 7?

sir will it works on window7 i do now have one of your deutz engine srceen saver and i find it so beautiful

very nice work and so beautiful screen saver

very nice work and so beautiful screen saver

it is very nice. I take small time to take the animated views.

Do you have this screen saver for windows 7?

what about Win7. Does it work?

how do i get it to work with a nice resolution for windows 7?

screensaver is cool. i have to original version which doesnt support vista/7. so i downloaded yours, but quality sucks. (res 1680x1050)

no funciona en w7 de 64 bits! / w7 not work on 64 bit!

While trying to install the screen saver on my computer I get an error message. See below...

Cannot create file "C:\\Windows\system32\untitled.scr". Access is denied.

Do you have the this file that I can load into the system 32 folder?


When I try installing the screen saver on Vista I get this error message.
Cannot create file "C:\windows\system32 Untitled.scr". Access denied.

I am running the exe file from my desktop and when I opened the zip file all there is a excuteable file, should they be more files in the folder?

When I try installing the screen saver on Vista I get this error message.
Cannot create file "C:\windows\system32 Untitled.scr". Access denied.

I am running the exe file from my desktop and when I opened the zip file all there is a excuteable file, should they be more files in the folder?

Wow is the quality of this screensaver?

its so nice screen saver but not free downlod. I need it plz tell me how can i download

It doesn't work, because the Win7 said .001 extrakt is not valid :S


Dear Jonathan,


Please note that it's not a DEUTZ engine, but a Ford engine.


Kind regards

Jessica Augst

Marketing communication

DEUTZ AG, Cologne

Hi Jessica,


Many thanks for the clarification of this screensaver engine. 



Thanx for this nice stuff !

But Is there any version which fits for wide screen monitors ?

Baixei e descompactei mas quando vou instalar no windows vista   premium32 bits aparece a seguinte mensagem

Untitled setup wizard

Cannot crate file " C:\ windows\sistem 32\ untitles.scr"

Acesso Negado.

Como faço para solucionar este problema

I have trying to download the Duetz engine screensaver for months for my grand daughters, I don't see a windows xp version of it for download, would it be possible to get a link or the software sent to me? Great spot, Thanks, Dave

Hi, Thank you 4 this useful thing. I design and build automated manufacturing machines for auto transmission & engine parts.
This is very good training material for my junior and new staffs. 
Appreciate it.

Hey Jonathan,
great thing you did, appreciate it. Is there a possibility to get it running on Windows 7? That would be great.

To install on Windows 7 just download the Vista version and right-click the .exe file, choose "Run as Administrator".

is there a possibility to get it running on window 7. not run

great thing you did, appreciate it. Is there a possibility to get it running on Windows 7? That would be great.

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