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Warning message

The service having id "facebook_widget" is missing, reactivate its module or save again the list of services.

World Jamboree comes to the UK, Essex


world jamboree essex uk International Scouts

Well, it's been a pretty hectic start to the Summer break, nice really and they say a change is as good as a rest.

Today, International Scouts from the World Jamboree held in Chelmsford, Essex, headed over to Billericay to begin the first of a four day project to support our community.

Here are two Scout leaders from Brazil, Rodrigo and Jhonatan (Jonathan!) who I met and spoke excellent English (phew!)

Some 40 or so Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts from the United States, Ireland, Netherlands, Mexico arrived on a coach to take part in the activities today. Scouts from 3rd Billericay, Orion Troop also came along to make new friends and join in with the International Scouting network.


slt c'est alexandre mon msn est

I love this picture! the guy on the right is pretty handsome!



ps.: the on right

Hey Rodrigo...

Good to hear from you and find you here on my blog. 

We have recently come back from the Essex International Jamboree - it was enormous, although only a quarter of the World Jamboree.

Are you still in London?



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