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A handheld SMS message projector - eDemocracy idea anyone?


The SMS Guerilla Projector is a home made, fully functioning device that enables the user to project text based SMS messages in public spaces, in streets, onto people, inside cinemas, shops, houses…

Small, portable, and battery operated, the SMS Guerilla Projector contains a mobile phone which enables the device to

Read more about the Guerilla Projector.

Despite it looking like something out of Star Trek or Dr. Who, I love the concept of people contributing to a screen in a public space and SMS technology just seems a natural way of doing it.

In terms of eDemocracy, this would be a really handy tool. Imagine posing a question or a statement for the public to respond to, and have their contributions displayed in a public arena. Brave politicians might try it for instance, or local governments inviting for public opinion about topical issues relating to their town or county. This would be a fantastic way of engaging the public in a consultation process.


"Where are we all going?" "Everything is going to be alright"


I agree with the need for the tool, but isn't this just a projector attached to a phone? I don't see how people would contribute or their comments collected. Individuals might beam their message but it would disappear once they turned the beam off. Or have I misunderstood... now where is the easy to use SMS to web page application when I need it...

Yes, Pete... not too sure about the finer details either. My interest was purely in the concept rather than the product I suppose. I know it's something that Leonie and Ultralab were very passionate about once upon a time... and an idea that I would be keen participate in making happen. I think the concept of the public being able to contribute has a lot of legs...

I suppose the device has some way of managing the inbound txt messages, though I found it odd how the image was just a replication of what was displayed on the mobile phone's screen... so like you, I wonder how complex the device actually is.

As you quite rightly suggest, the UltraSMS application coupled with a txt to webpage tool is what's really required. We need that software to be quite extensible so that we can manipulate the data received in several ways and perhaps categorise or sort it in a few ways. Nothing overtly difficult to operate, but something which offers a range of modes for different applications / audiences perhaps.

... needs to be available today though, as tomorrow might be too late. :-)

Really good article. I have been following your blog for last 3 months. You have good knowledge
on Mobile(cell phone) Industry and happenings. Please continue the good work. Thank you.


I can't help being amazed about this little device although I am not sure I understand its applicability. I know what projectors are about but projecting SMS messages?? Who needs this?

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