Error message

  • Warning: "continue" targeting switch is equivalent to "break". Did you mean to use "continue 2"? in include_once() (line 1389 of /Library/Server/Web/Data/Sites/Documents/jonathansblog/includes/
  • Warning: "continue" targeting switch is equivalent to "break". Did you mean to use "continue 2"? in require_once() (line 341 of /Library/Server/Web/Data/Sites/Documents/jonathansblog/includes/

Warning message

The service having id "facebook_widget" is missing, reactivate its module or save again the list of services.

Mobile Blogging using the Sony Ericsson K610i, K800i and W880i phones


For the past 6 months I've really enjoyed using the blogging software on my Sony Ericsson handset, K610i. I've used it more as a tool for capturing places, events, objects of interest. Looking back, I now have a fairly solid journal accounting for just a tiny subset of the things I do and the people I meet. I love reflecting back on those times and it's all just, so.... easily accessible.

Essentially, the phone has an editor that allows you to take a photograph and annotate it, rather like creating an MMS message. You simply choose 'Blog this" from the More option once you have taken a photo.

The blog article is then posted to a Blogger account where you can either move the blog provided with a pre-configured URL provided by Blogger to an already existing blog account or continue with the URL that the phone/Blogger created.

The really neat thing with Blogger these days is that you can now buy a URL and associate it with your Blogger account, so your blog can be run under your own domain name - very neat, whilst using all the functionality of the Blogger engine. Alternatively, you can host your blogger content on another webserver, the pages simply get uploaded via an FTP account onto a server of your choosing. Again, as a user, you can continue to use the Blogger front end interface to administer the blog site. What more could you want?

This service is mostly reliable, apart from occasionally when I blog a photo and neither the photo nor the text make it to the blog site. No errors or any indications as to why not. It's a bit of a puzzle. If I restart the phone, the problem continues. Very strange. It could be something to do with the network provider I suppose. It's less likely to do with Blogger, I would think, but how would I know!?

I wonder if other users have experienced the same?

Read mine, Jonathan's Mobile Blog


With the latest technology blogging has become a childs play. Sony Ericsson K800i has made it all easy. This handset is gaining popularity and will become the choice of the masses

I just blogged a photo using my brand new Sony Ericsson k800i but now I have no idea how to find it. Any ideas?

Thanks for the plug-in! It works. Do you know if isync can be used to transfer mp3s between mac and e phone?

I have the same problem as Isobel. Could you help me to find my pictures? Cheers!

Hi everyone,

I just bought a new K610i sonyericson phone, but when I insert my SIM into it I get a message which says "INSERT CORRECT USIM".

Please guys I need your help.

My business depend on this phone.

Thank you,

you can mail through "

Please how dao i save my phone numbers into my sim instead of my phone memmory using my sony ericsson k800i

I tried out the 'blog this' feature, got an address and a token and it all worked fine. I already had a blogger site set up, so when I was on, was given the option to pick my existing site (which I did). Now I can't send to the blog - the help desk at Three is not much use and didn't seem to have a clue what I was on about.
Does anyone know hhow to change the blog that my phone things it is posting to (K800i)

Just got a new K800i and tried to send a photo to blog but when I try to do it says 'creating blog' and then says 'could not create and publish blog'. Anyone know why? I've bought the phone as a payg.

It might be because the phone isn't configured for GPRS or 3G, either of which allow the phone to send and receive data which is needed for phone blogging. Try using the browser on the handset. Can you view pages there?

Awesome. I love posting to blogger. Recently, I have been using CellSpin to post my photos, videos, to Blogger, Facebook, Myspace, and other popular websites. It is the easiest, simple, and quickest software I have ever used on my cellphone. I wonder if this software can be used on over 300+ phones like CellSpin? From what I can see, it is only allowed on the K610i, K800i, and W880i.

those who can't find their photos in somewhere could read this post

It would not be an exaggeration to say that the mobile phones are really good handsets with very sophisticated technology incorporated in them. Mobile Phone serve people with entertainment, caters to their business needs and facilitates communications.

Hi, I had read some post earlier also but it is great. Currently, I am using Sony Ericson K770i which you have not mentioned in your post however most of the mobile phones are there from Sony Ericsson. Now, let me know by the mobile I can do blogging? Is there any charge for that? Most of the people nowadays talk about Google mobile and iPhone then let me know the features are available also on those?


I have a Sony Ericsson K800i with 3mobile & have set up a site on blogger. I want to go mobile but cannot get the text number to work. Is that only for USA or what? When I use blogger URL on phone services it bombs with server not found. Sorry for being thick.. What am I missing?


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