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Davitt's Learning Event Generator

After following a link to John Davitt's New Tools website earlier this evening, I noticed that John has a really cool tool on the front page. It's called Davitt's Learning Event Generator and looks like this:

Of course you'll have to play with the interactive version and press the 'roll' button a couple of times to see the seductiveness of John's thinking. I love the concept and the intention of getting teachers thinking 'outside the box' about how what they have been teaching for years and years can embedded in children's lives and learning, differently.

Here are a few rolls of my dice:

do how a light works as an illustrated diagram

do glaciation as a 10 second movie shot on a mobile phone

do life cycle of tadpole as a tableau maybe with Playmobil/clay models

Just wonderful and perfect for illustrating how we at Kings Road Primary School need to continue to develop our Creative Curriculum project at my phase meeting tomorrow.

Poetry e-motion

Anne Rainbow is the writer of some of the most wonderful poetry that I have ever read. I somehow seem to empathise with much of what she writes, most of which reflects her own thoughts and feelings. I have been struck by the poignancy and emotion that is portrayed through the vocabulary and powerful language Anne uses.

For me, these are nothing short of amazing. Anne is not only Poet of the Year 2006 (Writers' Dock) but has challenged herself to 'A blog a day, a poem a day'. I find Anne's commentary and connection to her poetry, enlightening. Read some for yourself.

Anne is also a publisher of educational material and has contributed to several textbooks in both Mathematics and ICT. Anne also happens to be our Numeracy specialist at Stepping Stones School.


BAFTA film entries, 60 Seconds of Fame Competition

The judging for this year's 60 Seconds of Fame competition, created and sponsored by BAFTA and Orange is nearly complete.

The competition has been open to buddying filmmakers who are aged 16 or over. All you need is access to some film making equipment, a digital video camera or video capable mobile phone and a computer with which to edit the film.

I was particularly impressed by the guidance notes offered on the website... useful for any video project with youngsters. The guidance notes are simple and straightforward, and after being involved in the judging process over the past few days, clearly many of the filmmakers had listened to this advice in producing the high quality films.


The pages I found most useful were:

Take a look for yourself, and make a point of looking at the entries for this year. Winners from each region will attend The Orange British Academy Film Awards in 2007. The overall winner will have their film featured during the Film Awards broadcast.

Hopefully, the competition will be repeated again this year. See the 60 Seconds of Fame website.

Stepping Stones School attends Be Very Afraid III

Daniel and Jessica from Stepping Stones School attended the the Be Very Afraid III event on 2nd October 2006. We used iChat AV to video conference with the pupils who weren't able to come. The event was held in London at BAFTA, Piccadilly. The day involved pupils from a variety of schools and colleges, showcasing their digital creativity work. The whole event was organised and managed by, together with DfES and BAFTA.

Sir Ken Robinson talks about creativity and what's wrong with our education systems

Pete Bradshaw found this conference presentation of Sir Ken Robinson speaking at a TED conference. Watch the clip.

He is particularly entertaining to watch and listen to as he talks about creativity and what is wrong with our education systems.

"If you are not prepared to be wrong, you will never come up with anything original. By the time children become adults, they become frightened of being wrong"

Ken argues that we are educating people out of their creative capacities.

Ken is also a writer and publisher, and having been inspired by his talk, I'm really interested in reading his book, 'Out of Our Minds: Learning to be Creative.'


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